What is your closing rate?

The past two years have been a challenge for many of our dealers and one of the most widely heard comments is that homeowners have been much harder to convince to pull the trigger on lighting projects. Not that they don’t want to move forward with lighting their home …. they just simply take their time in making a final decision to move forward.
Here are a few key selling points and “best practices” to help get your closing rate up to a high percentage.
Best Practice #1: Make a great first impression.
First impressions can make or break a sale. Since our products are often marketed and sold to discerning, upscale homeowners, it stands to reason that these potential clients have higher standards and expectations for the companies they select to provide goods and services like ours. Sales personnel should dress professionally and show up for appointments 10 minutes early in a clean, organized, and tastefully designed vehicle that projects a professional image and adds to the client’s sense of comfort and confidence in doing business with the dealer. Showing up late to a client meeting in a beat up vehicle or poorly dressed will surely place you at a significant disadvantage.
- Show up early
- Dress professionally
- Drive a clean, organized vehicle
Best Practice #2: Include selling tools that are visual and “hands on”.
Using professional sales tools and techniques is even more important to help differentiate your sales presentation from your competitors. Using product samples and visual handouts is a demonstrable and effective way to show prospective clients the quality of the product line and allows dealers to focus on value-added benefits of selecting P.M. Lighting dealers based on quality and service instead of price. A working portable display is a great way to showcase our product line and give clients an opportunity to experience the products firsthand through touch and sight.
- Product samples demonstrate quality
- Handouts can convey expertise & service
- Displays invite client interaction
Best Practice #3: Take time to conduct a night time demonstration for the client.
The most underestimated selling tool in a dealer’s arsenal is the Night Time Home Demonstration at the client’s home. Many dealers have either limited the use of this powerful selling tool or have completely eliminated it from their process altogether. Nothing makes a greater impact than showing a prospective client his or her own home beautifully illuminated using the night time demo. Done thoughtfully and effectively, this selling technique creates the unique “WOW” factor that will take most clients from the “maybe” stage to the “yes” stage.
- Night Time Demo is effective
- Showcases client’s home
- Create the “WOW Factor”
If you want to upgrade your sales approach, contact us to learn more about our standard and custom demo kits, portable interactive product displays, and graphics packages for a more complete and professional presentation.
Happy Selling!